Landing Page is #2 in the Proven Process
A Landing Page is a specific web page on your website designed to convert traffic into leads. Landing pages offer a useful resource, such as a report, guide or market analysis, in exchange for contact information. For example, on your landing page for sellers offer an automated, quick online home value estimate so YOU can easily deliver initial value to the seller.
As a tip, don’t ask for too much information on this page, as sellers are not necessarily ready for a phone call, although you could send them a text to see if they are ready to chat with you. They’re usually looking for information online, and you should respond in the same way. Just ask for a name and email address, and your landing page will convert more leads! You can, of course, try asking for a phone number to give them a text but usually just asking for a name and email works BEST!
Home Value Estimate is #3 in the Proven Process
The difference between traffic and a lead is contact information. But how to get it? The short answer is you need to provide something of value in return. For example, when people consider selling their home, often the first thing they wonder is, “What’s my home worth?” RIGHT? Therefore, the best way we’ve found to capitalize on that interest is to offer a quick, online assessment of their home. This assessment is an item of value that will persuade online traffic to provide their contact information in return. Leads unlocked!
To make this tactic even more appealing to you, there are many online services that you can use to easily provide this service on your website. Keep also in mind, however, that this is not a thorough evaluation and, of course, that will come hopefully later on. The goal is to capitalize on interest at that moment and to feed their desire to learn about their home’s worth.
Hope you are enjoying these Turning Online Seller Leads onto Commissions Proven Process and keep an eye on my blog for more to come! Do you have even more suggestions let me hear from you!